Welcome to our online Pagan forum! We are delighted to have you join us. As a community of individuals who share a passion for Paganism, we encourage everyone to introduce themselves and share their interests, beliefs, and experiences. This is a great opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and foster a sense of community. So, without further ado, we invite you to introduce yourself and get to know your fellow Pagans!
Here are some optional talking points to help you introduce yourself...
- Share your name
- Mention what you practice
- List your Zodiac sign and include your Sun sign, Rising Sign and Moon sign
- Provide any areas of expertise or experience you may have
- List what you're interested in learning more about
- Define how you would like to impact the forum
- Share what you would like to gain from being in the forum
When you post, be sure to tag the "New Member Introductions" Category to keep our forum organized. Next time you make a new post, you can tag other categories such as "Questions & Answers" or "General Discussion." You can interact on other posts by commenting and liking forum posts. Please remember to always follow our forum rules.