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An Introduction to My Life in the Pagan Community

Hello everyone, and welcome to this upcoming series of blogs by yours truly.

My series is going to be a collection of my many stories and experiences I have had in my life while growing up in the Pagan Community. My stories range from being at Cleveland Pagan Pride, fundraisers, and other social gatherings and community events.

My life began on one fateful day in fall of 2007. It was the day after Halloween, the pagan holiday Samhain (pronounced sow-when, not sam-hane). My life was as different from what could be considered a normal life as physically possible. My dad owns a spiritual shop while my mom worked at a software company.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of my parents over the years! <3

I was with my dad at all times during the day at the shop, alongside my brother. Almost my whole upbringing was experienced there. My dad was (and still is) a champion for being able to raise me and my brother while my mom was at work. The first thing I can remember is at the shop, and I was playing with a temporary tattoo. Odd how we remember the oddest things, isn’t it?

I never went to public school and was never around other kids my age, so all of the things I have learned were hands-on. My childhood was insanely different from everyone else’s. While other kids were playing on their parents phones, I was showing customers what to buy. I’ve always had a way with people, even since I was 4 years old at the time!

Here are some fun pictures from my childhood...

My next post will be about my experience at Cleveland Pagan Pride 2023 vs. how it was growing up! I look forward to sharing more about my experiences with my fellow community.

See you all soon!

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