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How to be a Successful Vendor Applicant for 2024

successful vendor infographic

Hello, lovely Pagans!

We have just wrapped up another successful Cleveland Pagan Pride Days! It made me so happy to be there with you all and to share in the spirit of community!

We have wrapped up our early bird special for the 2023 CLE PPD vendors. Let me explain a little about how that works. Current vendors are given a packet every year. This packet contains an application for the following year. If they complete the application and submit payment by the specified deadline, they are guaranteed their spot for the following year. After this deadline has passed, we will know if we have spots available for new vendors.

Per this year’s early bird entries, it is looking like we have spots available for 2024. We need to allow time for applications already in the mail to arrive, so we don’t know exactly how many will be open.

In January, when we resume PPD planning meetings, we discuss how many spots will be available, and we talk about whether we want to figure out plotting additional space. Ideally, we announce that vendor applications are open via our website and Facebook, and we set the deadline for submission.

Your application will include a 20.00 jury fee, and, if selected to vend, that 20.00 is applied to the cost of your vendor spot. All applicants are notified of our decision during the week after our jury meeting, and payment deadlines are communicated.

To be the best possible candidate to vend at our event, please consider the following:

1. Please include either a website where we can view your merchandise, or, if you don’t have a website, include pictures.

2. We do not want to have too much of one kind of merchandise. For example, I think we are getting heavy with jewelry, so, while another jewelry vendor may get in, what they have needs to truly be unique in comparison to what we already have. We want all of our vendors to be successful, so too much of one thing is not ideal.

3. Please include, on your application, all of the different kinds of merchandise you have. Tell us what is special about you and your merchandise. Hint: corporate-sounding buzz-words are annoying. Speak from your heart. I cannot stress this enough, do not be vague or general. “and maybe some other things” is a problem. Be excited about your business.

4. While we are supportive of your energy work, we are not entirely certain about how this will logistically work in a bustling, noisy event. Let us know how you intend to work around this. This year, I told energy healers “no,” but I thought maybe we could revisit this if energy workers had ideas about working around the bustle and noise. We want YOU to be successful, and we want your clients to feel at ease.

5. Use the email address you want to be contacted at. Email is our primary communication modality unless we have an otherwise agreed upon appointment. I must work on this when I have time, and that time may not be phone-friendly, so use the email address you will see most regularly and the address you want a payment link to go to.

When I had to send out notices to vendors who were not accepted, I advised feedback would be provided. This is that feedback, and it is advice in case you want to try again for 2024, or if you are new to our application process. Below is a sample of “what not to do.”

From the bottom of my heart, I love working with all of you. Whether it is/was with us or with some other event, I hope you had a most successful and profitable festival season! I am looking forward to getting your applications!



Vendor Coordinator and Vice President: Crossroads Universal 501(C)(3)


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Jan 16, 2024

Do you have any Food Trucks scheduled to attend?

Replying to

for 2024? Yes. We do. all the same food vendors from last year are returning, and we are always open to having new ones.

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